✅ Relawan Masa Kini Menyerbu Markas Anis Baswedan

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SiwinduMedia.com – DPK Relawan Jaringan Kemandirian Nasional (Jaman) Kabupaten Kuningan held a cheap staple food bazaar for the residents around Cilimus Subdistrict on Friday (2/9/2024).

Present at the event was the councillor candidate from the Kuningan Regency Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) for the PDIP Electoral District 2, Nuzul Rachdy SE, and the campaign team for the PDIP Regional Representative Council (DPR RI) candidate for the West Java X Electoral District, Ilham Faturohman.

The Chairman of the Jaman DPK Volunteer in Kuningan Regency, Eko Sumida Permana, told SiwinduMedia.com after the event that this cheap staple food bazaar was a form of support for the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pair Ganjar Pranowo – Mahfud MD.

“Today, there was a cheap staple food bazaar event, residents only need to redeem it for 5 thousand rupiahs. There are 1000 staple food packages provided by the committee, each package containing 2 kilograms of rice, 850 ml of oil, and 1/2 kg of sugar,” explained Eko.

It was feared that there would be a crowd, as the venue was limited. The redemption of cheap staple foods was divided into two sessions. From morning until just before the Friday prayers, and the second session after the Friday prayers.

“Jaman volunteers deliberately chose a location around the Cilimus Subdistrict, based on canvassing data from Jaman volunteers. According to the map data of the spread of votes we obtained, the Cilimus Subdistrict from Caracas, Cilimus, to Bojong is predominantly a supporter of 01,” he said.

“We deliberately targeted the opponent’s mass base area to attract sympathy or votes from residents to support Ganjar – Mahfud,” added Eko.

For the victory of Ganjar – Mahfud in Kuningan, Jaman Volunteers collaborated with other volunteers and the supporting party or the party affiliated with the coalition party.

“I maximize the target to win in Kuningan for Ganjar – Mahfud, 10% to 15% of the 2019 votes, realistic based on the data,” he said.

Meanwhile, in the same place, Meli Puspita represented the campaign team of Ilham Faturohman, the PDIP candidate for the DPR RI number 4 in the West Java X Electoral District. She fully supported the event held by the Jaman Volunteers in Kuningan Regency to socialize Ganjar – Mahfud.

In the cheap staple food redemption event, Meli introduced Ilham Faturohman as a potential young representative of the millennial generation.

“He has a vision and mission to build and improve the quality of MSMEs, and build a cooperative as a place to accommodate the results of MSMEs in the future,” said Meli.

Meanwhile, Nuzul Rachdy, in his speech, conveyed that the residents who attended the event intended to unify their hearts and minds to vote for Ganjar – Mahfud in the upcoming election.

“Ganjar Pranowo – Mahfud MD is the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pair endorsed by the PDIP party. All candidates from the PDIP party always care about the people, and we must support their victory,” he urged.

Ganjar Pranowo, born from an ordinary family, born from simplicity, not a general, not a conglomerate’s child. But because of his tenacity, he climbed the career ladder from the bottom to the top position as the Governor of Central Java.

As for Mahfud MD, continued Zul, he is a legal warrior. He has experience in three institutions, namely the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary.

“So, they are a quite fitting pair,” Zul emphasized.

Furthermore, Zul explained that in choosing a leader, we must also look at their track record, character, and capabilities. In terms of track record, Ganjar – Mahfud does not have a bad track record. In terms of character, Ganjar – Mahfud comes from a pesantren (Islamic boarding school) family from Central Java and East Java, still from the Nahdlatul Ulama family.

“Lastly, in terms of capabilities, Ganjar – Mahfud clearly has their respective tested abilities. Therefore, let us once again unite, with one heart and one mind in the upcoming election to vote for Ganjar – Mahfud,” Zul concluded.